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Questions and answers with "tankpool24" pilot Norbert Kiss: "Our goal for 2017? To finish among the top 3 teams"

  • The "tankpool24" team with pilots Norbert Kiss and André Kursim gains a headstart in the 2017 racing season
  • As the squad's partner in technology, MEYLE supports the last private team competing in FIA European Truck Racing Championship with MEYLE parts and engineering know-how
Questions and answers with "tankpool24" pilot Norbert Kiss: "Our goal for 2017? To finish among the top 3 teams"

Hamburg, 14 June 2017. For the forth consecutive year, Hamburg-based parts manufacturer MEYLE is siding with "tankpool24" as the racing team's technical cooperation partner, supplying premium-grade MEYLE spares and in-house engineering expertise. In preparation for the current season, the trucks of the team's drivers Norbert Kiss and André Kursim were geared up with a range of high-grade MEYLE products, including MEYLE‑ORIGINAL engine mounts and rpm sensors and MEYLE‑ORIGINAL clutch boosters. In this interview Norbert Kiss talks about his passion for motor racing and unveils his goals for the 2017 racing season.

The 2017 FIA European Truck Racing is underway. Do you have a favourite race track?

Norbert Kiss: I have two favourite tracks: the first is Nürburgring in Germany, because this is the "tankpool24" team's home track and the crowds of fans cheering along gives it a very special and unique atmosphere. My second favourite track is the Hungaroring in Hungary, which is my personal home track and it always feels good and special to be there. More than that, the track itself is one of the technically most demanding in the entire competition. It's a fantastic experience to compete and give my best on this track.

You have been in the business for six years. Do you remember a particularly exciting race moment?

Norbert Kiss: That's difficult to answer! It's impossible to single out a particular one. Obviously, it's always great to see things turn out as planned. Every time that they do, it's gratifying in a different way. There are races where you take and hold the lead from start to finish. Then there are races where after lagging behind, you move up through each position, swerving your way back into field. That's an awesome feeling! Delivering an exciting show – that's what counts! I've had a couple of races, where I was able to overtake several trucks, and those are the best moments – although my rivals might look differently at it. It's those moments that keep drawing me back on the race track.

How do you prepare for the race? Do you have any special rituals or habits?

Norbert Kiss: No, I don't have any rituals. I simply enjoy and take in the moments and the atmosphere in the run-up to the race. I try not to get stressed, because stress is a bad ally. I prefer to spend time with the team and with the people I care about. This is how I score my best results.

During the race, the trucks are put under exceptional strain. Do you remember a situation where your truck was particularly challenged?

Norbert Kiss: I always expect the truck and equipment to deliver 100 percent - from the moment when the red lights go out. We give full throttle to keep the pace with and outdistance our rivals until we’re well ahead of the field. And even then we must deliver 100 percent to win the race.

There are 28 races to come in this season: Do you have any set goals?

Norbert Kiss: The 2016 season was a very successful one for us! At the same time, we have developed a lot of expertise and learned where we should do better. I’m very grateful for and proud of each member of the "tankpool24" team – everybody did a fantastic job in our first year together. We expect 2017 to be another milestone allowing us to secure a top-three position in the Championship competition. That is my goal for 2017. And you can be sure: We will take every opportunity we can to win!

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